Gospel Meeting Sermons

Gospel Meeting Sermons

Displaying 51 - 75 of 98

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/12/18 CoWorkers with God, Part 1 Ken McDaniel N/A Gospel Meeting 2.12.2018pmgm.mp3
02/11/18 Springfield, Ill Evangelism Ken McDaniel N/A Gospel Meeting 2.11.2018pmgm.mp3
02/11/18 Capturing The Joy of Being a Christian Ken McDaniel N/A Sun AM 2.11.2018amgm.mp3
07/28/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Worry (Psalm 139) David Maxson N/A Gospel Meeting 2017-07-28.mp3
07/27/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Envy (Psalm 73) David Maxson N/A Gospel Meeting PFES_-_Envy_Worksheet.pdf 6._PFES_-_Envy.pptx 2017-07-27.mp3
07/26/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Dryness (Psalm 90) David Maxson N/A Gospel Meeting PFES_-_Dryness.pdf 5._PFES_-_Dryness.pptx 2017-07-26.mp3
07/25/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Growth (part 2) David Maxson N/A Gospel Meeting growth--part2.pdf 4._PFES_-_Growth_pt_2.pptx 2017-07-25.mp3
07/24/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Growth (part 1) David Maxson N/A Gospel Meeting growth--part1.pdf 3._PFES_-_Growth.pptx 2017-07-24.mp3
07/23/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Sin (Psalm 51) David Maxson N/A Sun PM worksheet--sin.pdf 2._PFES_-_Sin.pptx 2017-07-23pm.mp3
07/23/17 A Prayer for Every Season...Depression (Psalm 88) David Maxson N/A Gospel Meeting worksheet--depression.pdf 1._PFES_-_Depression.pptx 2017-07-23am.mp3
02/14/17 Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Scott Smelser Evidence Gospel Meeting resurrection_evidences_smelser.pptx resurrection_evidences_smelser.pdf 2-12-17_GM-SM-1487126607.mp3
02/13/17 What about the Lost Gospels? Scott Smelser Evidence Gospel Meeting Lost_Gospels_Prattville_smelser.pptx Lost_Gospels_Prattville_smelser.pdf 2-13-17_GM-SM.mp3
02/13/17 Reviewing Darwin's Origin of Species Scott Smelser Evidence Gospel Meeting Darwin_and_Origin_of_Species_smelser.pptx Darwin_and_Origin_of_Species_smelser.pdf 2-12-17_GM-SM.mp3
02/12/17 Evidence in Creation Scott Smelser Evidence Gospel Meeting Creation_Rom_1_20_smelser.pptx Creation_Rom_1_20_smelser.pdf 2-12am-17_GM-SM.mp3
07/22/16 Run With Endurance Phil Arnold N/A Gospel Meeting 2016-07-22.mp3
07/21/16 Sons of Issachar Phil Arnold N/A Gospel Meeting 2016-07-21.mp3
07/20/16 The Church You Make or Take Phil Arnold N/A Gospel Meeting 2016-07-20.mp3
07/19/16 What I Learned In Mayberry Phil Arnold N/A Gospel Meeting 2016-07-19.mp3
07/18/16 Unseen Thieves Phil Arnold N/A Gospel Meeting 2016-07-18.mp3
07/17/16 Positively Faithful Phil Arnold N/A Sun PM 2016-07-17pm.mp3
07/17/16 Here I Am Send Me! Phil Arnold N/A Sun AM 2016-07-17am.mp3
02/16/16 On Using the Bible to Prove the Bible Doy Moyer Proving the Bible Through the Bible Gospel Meeting 2016-02-16GM.mp3
02/15/16 The Resurrection Doy Moyer Proving the Bible Through the Bible Gospel Meeting 2016-02-15_GM.mp3
02/14/16 Faith and Evidence Doy Moyer Proving the Bible Through the Bible Gospel Meeting 2016-02-14pm_DMoyer.mp3
07/24/15 Stepping on the Battlefield With David (Gospel Meeting) Harold Hancock N/A Gospel Meeting 150722battlefield.mp3

Displaying 51 - 75 of 98

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